Battery stinks!!


New Member
Jan 20, 2011
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I've had my Fascinate since January and my battery is getting worse. I only get 6hours on a full charge. I have done all the suggestions to conserve battery life but my battery is dead in 6 hours. Any suggestions??

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums
Do a factory reset. Back up everything you want first.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums
I've had my Fascinate since January and my battery is getting worse. I only get 6hours on a full charge. I have done all the suggestions to conserve battery life but my battery is dead in 6 hours. Any suggestions??

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums

"I have done all the suggestions..."

"Any suggestions?"

This topic has been beaten to death enough without starting a new thread, and the 'suggestions' work, period, thee end.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums
Yes I agree they do work, however from my experience if you don't have any luck with a reset, do one without restoring any data or apps. That did the trick for me as I had done at least 3 resets before that.
Who peed in your cornflakes, allfornaught ? I was just asking to see if anyone else had any suggestions besides a reset, which I might add is a pain to reload everything back in to the phone!! I thought that was what this forum is for. Sorry I brought up the question again!

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums
You did.

If you'd take a moment to search, forum members have already posted exhaustive info on this topic - including myself.

Rather than forum members 'like myself' having to post all the known suggestions/means to maintain good battery life over and over again, you can find all the 'suggestions' you want on those threads - which is what my last post concerned.

There are several more suggestions in those threads on this topic than a factory reset.

Droid forums is a large body of info. The search bar is your friend.

If you peruse the appropriate threads, you'll be able to have battery life like this:


Which proves, the battery life in fact, does not 'stink', if you learn how to use/manage your device properly.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums