Battery w/ 3G?


New Member
Nov 10, 2011
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I've read tons of reviews, but I haven't seen any talking about the battery with the 4G off and 3G in its stead. This seems like a no-brainer to me considering 3G is plenty fast. This made me wonder: does the Droid Razr even give you the option to disable 4G, or is the battery terrible just because it has 4G tech? If the battery is improved with 3G, does anybody have the hours?

The battery-life is really the deciding factor for me between the Droid Razr or the iPhone 4S.
Yes. Go into the wireless settings and switch it to CDMA.
I will be conducting a series of battery life tests and comparing it to the Droid X. I will also be running some tests with 4g and 3g to see if there is a difference. I'll post the results as soon as I can. May take a few days, though.

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4G is provided by a separate LTE radio. You can turn it off fairly easy by going to Settings, Wireless Networks, and then you have two choices, the first is LTE with CDMA (dual 4G and 3G), or CDMA only which is 3G only. This will greatly help battery life. It also has several other battery helpers you can turn on/off. I played with a demo in the store yesterday and went through turning 4G on off and back on again.
I agree that it is worthless for these reviews to say "THE BATTERY LIFE SUX WITH THIS PHONE AND THE 4GS!!!!111!!1!"

The battery draining caused by an LTE antenna are well documented. There are widgets for turning 4G on and off. 90% of the time I will use 3G. What's battery life with 100% operation on 3G? I wish tech sites would test that out.
I agree that it is worthless for these reviews to say "THE BATTERY LIFE SUX WITH THIS PHONE AND THE 4GS!!!!111!!1!"


I wouldn't say worthless, most of us expected the 4G battery performance to be bad, but they should have done some 3G testing.
It's how I would use a 3G/4G phone, 3G most of the time and 4G when I need to down load or stream something.
I wouldn't say worthless, most of us expected the 4G battery performance to be bad, but they should have done some 3G testing.
It's how I would use a 3G/4G phone, 3G most of the time and 4G when I need to down load or stream something.

Agreed. Most of the time I am streaming, I will have a plug nearby anyway. Our family truck is a loaded Dodge Ram that has a built in inverter and 3 12 volt plugs. Keeping it charged will not be a problem.