Good point! I hadn't figured there'd already be so many 4.3/KitKat-only apps out there.
Well, I'm mainly into productivity, collaboration and organizational apps, and also like news about the world in general and Android (especially apps) in particular. My favorites include CamScanner*, Evernote, Drippler.
Also, if anyone can suggest a battery saver that goes beyond JuiceDefender I'd love to "hear" about it.
I'm not in the market for a new map app -- MapQuest rules. (Google Maps has led me astray too damn many times.) Also, on the off-chance I need to actually create and edit stuff on my phone, KingSoft Office and QuickOffice should do just fine.
Games need not apply. I play them only on my laptop. Ditto messaging; I get along just fine for now with conventional social media, email and texting. (Oh yeah, and a call every now and then.)
Ditto videoconferencing.
Major exception: Secure communications, such as RedPhone. I have clients who like their privacy. If you know of a secure communications (phone, IM, email, etc) app that runs only on 4.3 or KitKat, please let me know.
[*] In fact, yes I'm the Jeffrey Deutsch whose endorsement they post.
Thank you very kindly!
Jeff Deutsch