Best Current Web Browser for Android?


New Member
May 12, 2011
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How's everybody doing? Just got my Incredible 2 a few days ago. I am completely green with the Android system but so far I'm really enjoying it. I'm using the stock web browser currently and am just wodnering if it's worth downloading an alternative web browser? I've seen the Dolphin and Opera and Firefox in the marketplace and was wondering what your thoughts are on the 3-what are the pros and cons of them, etc..think it would be a good discussion. Thanks!
Used Miren, Firefox, Dolphin etc, and I'm still on stock...
I've tried several of the other browsers, but I like Dolphin Mini the best. Really dislike the stock browser.

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I'm using the stock web browser currently and am just wodnering if it's worth downloading an alternative web browser?
Worth and best are always highly subjective words. Download and install the alternatives and see for yourself. There are plenty of threads on all the options if you really want to read up. However, you won't really know until you've spent some time with the alternatives. You can always uninstall.

I've tried several and use the stock one. YMMV, obviously, as not everyone's using the same browser.
I find xScope the best for myself. YMMV