+1 on pageonce personal assistant. I monitor my bank accounts, and all of my bills with it. You also get emails when there are certain changes that occur within your accounts. So you get reminders when bills are due, but every once in a while I'll get an email that says "a change that might concern you". These changes are usually fine, and are like "your etrade account decreased by more that 5% or increased by more than 5%, or such and such bill is due in one day" One time though, I was alerted of a charge that I hadn't authorized, and it turned out my credit card company increased my rates when they shouldn't have. Since I was notified, I was able to take care of it immediately. There was another time when I was charged twice in a store for one item and was able to pull up my bank account on the spot and show customer service they had charged me twice and got a refund right then and there, without every leaving the store. Quite the useful app.