Bionic $200 at Costco


Apr 24, 2011
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Just came from Costco, Bionic as of Nov. 10th is on sale for $200...just bought mine there on the 1st :-( Oh well! I was at phone area checking on Rezound. They don't have it yet, but has been ordered. Might be in store in a few days. Calling tomorrow to learn more. Will post any information I learn. I know some Bionic owners want to switch.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums has a 720p high res on any phone and 1.5 dual core...supposed to be nice...we will see

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
It seems to me if you are in your 90 day return period, you could go in and tell them to refund you the difference. If not just return the phone and then buy a brand new one for less!
I just called my local Costco and they verified that they do have the Bionic for $199.99 plus tax. The girl also said that you get a free accessory bundle with it. The bundle includes the standard dock, a vehicle navigation dock, screen protector, a case and a battery charger that comes with an extra battery. That's one heck of a deal. The only thing is that you have to mail in a "rebate" form for the bundle pack so there's no out of pocket cost for it but you also don't walk out of the store with the extra goodies either--they get mailed to you.

I talked to the rep at Costco and no new info on rezound. She said they might get their first order next week.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums