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Bionic CM9 radio causes reboots, stuck on "Starting Applications"


Hey all.

So I've had a Droid since day one of the D1 release and have flashed MANY, MANY ROMs on quite a few different devices.

I've had the Bionic since it's release day and have had pretty good luck with it.

However, I flashed CM9 to it (stopped at build 7/20/2012) and can't get past that build for some reason or another, but that's not the real underlying issue here.

My phone will occasionally reboot itself out of nowhere (just like most other Bionic owners on here) - but I know what's causing my reboots - the radios.
When my phone loses 4G and the bars go white (with no 4G or 3G attached), then all I have to do to get it to reboot on it's own is go to Settings > WiFi and toggle WiFi on and off, OR toggle Airplane Mode on and off. Either one (especially the Airplane Mode toggle) causes the reboot instantly.

That's one part of it - the other part of the problem is that after this happens, it won't boot back into CM9 for anything, getting stuck on the CM9 loading screen until the battery dies (I've tried with a couple different batteries, all charged and ready to go)
If I go into Bionic Bootstrap Recovery and restore to 7/20, everything works but I clearly lose everything I've done since then.
If I go into the recovery and wipe cache and/or dalvik, the phone will boot up but gets stuck on "Starting Applications" and won't go past it.

Ideas? Advice?
At some point, I'm going to need to update to a newer CM9, but right now, I just need my phone to work...

No one? Really?? I realize that not everyone in this forum is here to *provide* help, but isn't this forum supposed to be here to get help?

OK, so I can, at any time, reboot into Bootstrap, wipe cache and/or dalvik cache and then Advanced Restore the boot from my 7/20/2012 restore and the phone will boot all the way in, but then I'll get random WiFi problems saying that it's avoided a poor connection (which can't be true in EVERY case).

At some point in the next 3-4 days, the phone will lose it's data (4G/3G) - the bars will go white and then I'll go into Settings > toggle WiFi and it will reboot - OR, I'll go into Settings > toggle airplane mode and it will reboot and this whole scenario starts anew.


How about a valid download link to any CM9 build that's after 7/25? Anyone? Rombot is down, DroidHive is down...no good download links to any new CM9 builds anywhere that I can find.
I don't know that these unofficial CM9 roms have moved much past that point. My take is it would be kinda silly to spend alot of time on something the manufacture is still diddling with...

For wifi on cm9, I had to modify my network, advanced options, static and then enter the numbers that were there (they show up but needed entered.)

But since you're oddly rebooting... I don't remember that happening to me. Vaguely remember there may have been some workarounds to stuff but I had already hopped on to CM10 preview and stayed there awhile.

The current link for dhacker & crews stuff is rombot.krackflashers.com if you want to see if fresh download helps.

If you gotta have your phone now a fxz back and hanging on .232 sounds like a plan (that's now where I'm back to... will see how long it lasts). I don't think I'm telling you anything you haven't considered, tho. Except for new rombot files location.
Especially for the Rombot link - I had actually found it late last night but forgot to bookmark it, so that really was a big help. I understand that Droid Hive got hacked, but damn - isn't this like the 4th iteration that's been moved?

Anyway, you're right - I've considered all those things, and really, I'm not above any of them, I just wanted to find out if anyone had a similar issue that they may had found a workaround for.
I really like CM9 and will try out CM10 on my Bionic. It's been my daily driver on my A500 for a little over a week now, and with no problems yet, I've got to say it's better than CM9 for Bionic as far as what I use it for. I have heard that there are some problems with data and other small stuff for phones, so if that's still a big issue then I'll consider going backwards - but I really, really don't want to!! I might give AOKP a shot to see if I can get it to fit. There's just so much about CM9 that I'm enjoying that I am really going to miss it.

Ironically, my Bionic was one of those "one in a million" Bionics that never dropped data, never had a problem AND got 30+ hours on a single charge - and then I was accepted into the soak for 902. That's when everything for this phone went downhill as far as data, wifi and strange reboots. I've since gotten 2 refurbs from Verizon that all exhibit the same behavior, so I'm really thinking that it's time to complain enough that I get myself into a RazrMaxx.

Anyway, thanks again for the help.
If you've got any info that might help, please don't hesitate to post up! I'm heading head-first into CM10 right away and if that doesn't work, then off to AOKP, and failing that, back to .232.
