Bionic Extended Battery Cover Creaking?


New Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Does anyone else have an extended battery cover that creaks when its slightly press on around the volume rocker button?

I don't know if the creak has always been there or not, but I'm really noticing it today. I'm not sure if I've broken something, or it's always creaked, or if anything should/could be done.

theres another thread regarding creaking.
the plastic battery cover is probably the one design 'feature' that irks me the most.
I really wish they had gone with the X/X2 battery cover design.. that was basically flawless.
I concur with the battery cover statement. The metal "tooth" like battery cover on the OG Droid rocked.

I found several threads for creaking battery covers, but nothing for the Bionic? Perhaps I missed it???

Mine's not cracking. The problem with the D1 was that the cover came off when you looked at it. I can't tell you how many times I almost lost it because I picked up the phone and the cover stayed on the table/desk.
Mine's not cracking. The problem with the D1 was that the cover came off when you looked at it. I can't tell you how many times I almost lost it because I picked up the phone and the cover stayed on the table/desk.

That was/is easily fixed by slightly bending the metal tabs/ears.
Actually Motorola offered to send you a free replacement back that had a thick sticker that would fix the problem. On the site it allowed you to order three which I did and I still have one unopened. Tempted to see if I can use that sticker on my Bionic.