Bionic, or wait?


New Member
Jun 5, 2010
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Let me just start out by saying I'm probably 75% sure I want to get the Bionic come release day.

However, the new HTC Vigor that is supposed to be coming out beginning of October keeps popping into my thoughts. Given the leaked specs at the moment (720p screen, 1.5ghz dual core snapdragon, 2mp front camera), how will it compare to the Bionic?

My main question(s) is this - how much of an improvement (if at all) are these specs over the Bionic's? The Bionic uses an OMAP 1GHz dual core processor; are there any comparisons of the two (snap dragon vs omap @ same clocks)?

Also, with such a small screen, will the higher resolution of the Vigor even be noticeable?

Lastly, the front facing camera. I've heard that video chat with a decent MP has very noticeable lag. Does anyone have experience with this? Due to the lower MP of the Bionic's, I would assume lag would be less of an issue because there is less data to send (smaller resolution)?

If anyone would like to chime in with their thoughts to get me to be 100% sure to get the Bionic, feel free to.

Or you could wait even longer and get something later down the road. Phones change like computer technology. About every 6 months something new and cool comes out. The Bionic will be a cool phone. But a year from now it'll be old.
Let me just start out by saying I'm probably 75% sure I want to get the Bionic come release day.

However, the new HTC Vigor that is supposed to be coming out beginning of October keeps popping into my thoughts. Given the leaked specs at the moment (720p screen, 1.5ghz dual core snapdragon, 2mp front camera), how will it compare to the Bionic?

My main question(s) is this - how much of an improvement (if at all) are these specs over the Bionic's? The Bionic uses an OMAP 1GHz dual core processor; are there any comparisons of the two (snap dragon vs omap @ same clocks)?

Also, with such a small screen, will the higher resolution of the Vigor even be noticeable?

Lastly, the front facing camera. I've heard that video chat with a decent MP has very noticeable lag. Does anyone have experience with this? Due to the lower MP of the Bionic's, I would assume lag would be less of an issue because there is less data to send (smaller resolution)?

If anyone would like to chime in with their thoughts to get me to be 100% sure to get the Bionic, feel free to.
Thanks? Already knew that. I'm not going to wait 6 months. I'm asking because of the close proximity of the two phone's release dates (a month apart...).
I wouldn't expect the Vigor to come out in October. That's just a rumor. I think you're looking at December but that's just my opinion. I've waited long enough for the Bionic and I don't think there is even a big enough difference to wait until October. I personally think you'll be plenty happy with the Bionic. It looks like it can be rooted already and I'm sure it can be overclocked if you really need it to be.
Well, since you're asking WAIT. In 30-60 days there will be some great choices. Droid HD, HTC Vigor, Google Nexus Prime >> this is the one I'm waiting for. It will be well worth it I'm sure. The Bionic is going to be a really good device for many people no doubt. IMO the waiting (after the initial announcement 8-9 months ago) for a phone to sit in "development" or "marketing" or whatever is just too long. I know there will be a new better, faster, thinner device coming out right after you by yours. In this case I think waiting is good, unless you need a phone NOW due to phone issues (hardware etc. I get that.) Enjoy whatever you end up with...
Its simple for me. Will go in on the 8th and demo the phone for myself. If I like it, I m getting it....if not, I ll wait. dancedroid
I like the vigor, but I will be going with the droid prime. Simply, its the phone devs and rom makers are going to pick, I have no doubt about that. If you enjoy custom roms, the prime is the phone for you
I am going to see if the Prime is out in the next month or so and then make a decision from there. My X can keep me tided over until then. If the Prime is a bust, I anticipate that custom roms for the Bionic will be plentiful by then.

[witty pun concerning the current ROM and custom memory script on my device]
I am in the exact same boat as you. I'm going to wait.

It's a dual purpose waiting. It's always nice to be an early adopter, but only once the phone is in the real world do we see if there are some weird hardware or software issues.

I think, give the Droid Bionic 2 to 4 weeks before jumping on it. It's a chance for others to complain about things that don't work right (if any) so you can make an informed decision. And by then, the rumors about the Vigor will flare up and we may know more about the Prime.

And, it'll be close enough to the Vigor that if you purchase a Bionic, you'll have that return-period (30 days) to turn it in and get a new phone.

On the flip side, waiting means risking the phone being out of stock if you eventually do 100% want it.
I have been on the fence myself but I find myself leaning heavily on the Bionic especially since seeing the videos and the early reviews (very limited I understand).

From what I've seen, it looks like its going to perform great and I don't think the phones everybody are talking about are really that significant of an improvement over the Bionic.
The phones that are going to be a significant improvement wont be coming out for a year or so (quad cores, 2 gig RAM, penis enlarger). So I think for me the Bionic will handle my needs and be a great device until my next upgrade when the next batch of superphones come out.

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My post, copy and pasted from another thread.

I feel somewhat fortunate that my upgrade isn't until November. It forces me to wait, but at the same time, gives me time to see what other newer/better phones may be out (i.e. htc vigor and nexus prime...?).

After all, these other smartphone manufacturers like samsung (nexus prime) and htc (vigor and others) would be stupid not to release their phones before the holiday season, and just yield to the bionic to take the stage...
The phones that are going to be a significant improvement wont be coming out for a year or so (quad cores, 2 gig RAM, penis enlarger).

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*preorders the **** outta that phone*

Sent using common sense.
I will be buying the Bionic and not waiting. Why? There is always something better coming up around the corner but it's like the old saying "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence".

The Bionic not only has solid specs but great battery life as well. I know a lot of people will be drooling over these upcoming 1.5-1.8Ghz dual core phones w/ 4.5in screens, etc...but has anyone stopped to think about how horrible the battery life might be on them? The pure fact that the Bionic has such solid specs and still maintains great battery life is what seals the deal for me.

I do know some people will say "well its got blur (or whatever moto calls it now) and a locked boot loader". Well, the new Blur doesnt look bad honestly, i actually kinda like it (i cant believe im saying that either) and clearly locked bootloaders can be worked around to some degree (as evidence of CM7 via the 2nd init hack). Plus for all we know Motorola may actually release a method of unlocking the bootloader similar to how HTC is now doing it.

Well thats my 2 cents for all its worth.