bixby button rant

me just sayin

Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2017
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Note 8
got tired of accidentally pressing the bixby button. It was going to get me fired one of the days so I finally decided to disable it. what a pain. gotta agree to all the terms and agreements, skip a mess of pages telling how to use it, and create an account just to get to the screen to disable the button. It should be part of the terms and agreement screen.
A pair of pliers, and just yank that button off. Just my dos pesos.
I downloaded the app "BixBye" to get rid of it. You can remap it to do nothing or open a particular app. I went the nothing route since I was always hitting it accidentally. Works great.
I downloaded the app "BixBye" to get rid of it. You can remap it to do nothing or open a particular app. I went the nothing route since I was always hitting it accidentally. Works great.

for me the button is in a bad location so it was just better to turn it off.
for me the button is in a bad location so it was just better to turn it off.
I agree, but that's exactly why I downloaded the BixBye app. I have mine mapped to do nothing. I didn't want to sign up with Bixby just so I could turn it off.
since samsung already know everything on my phone, I did not want to give another third party app info. that is why I went ahead and went through the process.
I disabled mine on day 2, but I sure don't remember it being a hassle, and also don't remember signing up in order to disable it.
Even with it disabled, the button still gets in the way. My phone is laying on the desk, with iHeart streaming, and my landline rings. I answer the landline, while at the same time, my other hand is turning the volume down on iHeart......and it doesn't turn down because I am mashing the Bixby button by mistake....

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I kept hitting the Bixby button inadvertently as well so I disabled the short press which solved the problem for me. I can still long press the Bixby button and it will bring up Bixby Voice which I do use here and there.

But yeah... until I changed the settings it was driving me a little bonkers every time I picked up the phone.

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