Black Friday


Jun 12, 2010
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Does any one know if Verizon had deals on black Friday?

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
I checked the BF websites, and it appears that there were no Verizon ads for 2010.
Ok thanks! I was trying to think and don't really remember any deals from verizon on black Friday but wasn't sure.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
Any update on this since we're much closer to Black Friday now? I'm hoping for a slamming deal on the Droid 3.
November just started fellers!

Wait another week or two to see some more deals. I recall seeing a verizon ad about a week and a half from black friday
November just started fellers!

Wait another week or two to see some more deals. I recall seeing a verizon ad about a week and a half from black friday

If you find that ad again post a link in this thread so I get an e-mail notification. LOL

My OG Droid is getting that keyboard bubble issue (I've had the phone since February of '10 and use it A LOT), so I'm looking to upgrade to the Droid 3, but I don't quite have the money at the moment (even for the $99 deal at Radio Shack).