black out


New Member
Aug 24, 2011
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i have the droid 2. my phone goes black randomly and wont come on unless i press the lock button repeatedly or if i let it sit. does this thing have a heat sensor too? i dont have any skins, not even a screen protector. is there a way to fix this problem?
I believe the Droid 2 does have a heat sensor, but I've never experienced anything like that and I have mine overclocked most of the time and constantly running. Is it rebooting when the screen goes black or just locking up?
no reboot. ive had the phone for a while now, and recently started work in a kitchen. but i noticed this problem happens when its too cold or too hot. but there is no perfect temp. i even tried to remove apps. this is very annoying
Odd indeed. I talk on the phone outside on lunch which over the past month has been about 102-110 degrees where I live and it's been fine. I'd take it to Verizon and ask for a replacement, but that's just me.
i have the insurance on the phone, but i also have 3 other lines. i already replaced one phone and the insurance says you can only replace the phone once every 6 months. that sucks. so thats why i was trying to fix the problem on my own
Oh no, I would go to the verizon store and throw a fit as long as there's no apparent damage to the phone. I only use insurance when it's my fault. Shouldn't have to pay for a replacement over a defective model. Just kind of depends on the verizon store and whether they give a crap about you as the customer.
thanks for your help. i will have to give that a try and see what happens
It sounds like you have your screen time out set to low. Then the power button not bring it back on sounds like the standard problem that has plagued all of us, not hitting the power button the correct way. I can not enplane that but even after a year with this phone there are times I hit the power button and nothing happens until I "look at it" and "mash it."