Blackberry Convert


New Member
Apr 24, 2010
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Hello everyone,
I have been lurking here for quite some time and finally decided to join the group and introduce myself. My name is Dave, currently a Blackberry Curve owner and ready to jump ship to Android.
I was excited about the Droid and counting the days down until my upgrade and then the Incredible came out. Looking forward to getting my hands on an Incredible and of course interacting here on the forums.

Welcome! I believe that you will be glad you made the switch to Droid. I switched from an iPhone and have no regrets.

Hello everyone,
I have been lurking here for quite some time and finally decided to join the group and introduce myself. My name is Dave, currently a Blackberry Curve owner and ready to jump ship to Android.
I was excited about the Droid and counting the days down until my upgrade and then the Incredible came out. Looking forward to getting my hands on an Incredible and of course interacting here on the forums.


Welcome to the forum. Be aware if you're not already that the Incredible has does not have a physical keyboard like the Droid. Using a virtual keyboard after coming off a Curve may, well, through you a curve. I myself if I was in the position to switch phones from Droid to Incredible would probably do it - but I would want to wait a few weeks to see overall how people are reacting.

Either way you have 30 days. If you get the Incredible and decide you prefer a physical keyboard you can always get a Droid.
I was a Curve user as well. I almost never use the physical keyboard on my Droid. I've only used it a couple of times as an experiment. I prefer the virtual keyboard.