Bloatware removal


Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everyone,
I am using super manager to get rid of some bloatware, and i had two questions. 1. Can someone post a list of every single bloatware item that i can delete without messing up my phone?
2. If i ever decide to sell my phone in the future, (to get the bionic) is there anyway to get the bloatware back on to the phone?
There are two ways to handle bloatware:

1) freeze them with titanium back up. Its still in your system but its not active so its like its not really there.

2) Make a nandroid backup of your device with all your bloated app then remove the apps with root explorer. When you ready to sell your phone just restore your backup.
Is there anyway to get titanium backup for free?

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the paid version is worth its money. If you buy a new phone then you can use it to restore apps and setting on your new phone. When I went from d1 to d2 that is what I did and it saved me the time of setting things back up again and kept me from losing my place in my games.
Yeah I totally understand, j just know that some developers make their apps free on their websites/blogs and I didn't know if there was something like that for titanium backup pro.

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+1! Of course, if you delete the wrong file on accident, it could equal a sbf. Safer to freeze or rename from "blahblah.apk" to "blahblah.bak" or just delete the "k" from ".apk"

the paid version is worth its money. If you buy a new phone then you can use it to restore apps and setting on your new phone. When I went from d1 to d2 that is what I did and it saved me the time of setting things back up again and kept me from losing my place in my games.

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Yeah I do agree with you guys its just that I was wondering if I could get titanium backup for free that's all, im sure there's a way I just don't know it.

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the free version do not allow you to freeze apps only the paid version.