Blocking mode not working on Note 4?

I get no sounds during blocking mode and it doesn't vibrate either.
I get no sounds during blocking mode and it doesn't vibrate either.
Oh, so you're talking turning on blocking mode and then digging into the settings menu to turn off the light separately?

I only ask this question, because I have my blocking mode set for 10pm, but if I happen to stay up later (which I've foolishly been doing lately), I want my notifications, so I turn it off, then turn it back on at bedtime.

I suppose I could set it a little later and put the moto notification toggle widget (or another brand) on there if it works with the phone, then it'd just be a matter of tapping the widget at bedtime.

Still ridiculous to me that the older phone turned it all off and this one (and apparently others) don't. If people wanted the light on, why not put the option to turn it off?

Ok so I just now realized I could turn off the noti light inside of Blocking Mode. Doh!
Misread this post.

You're saying you have the option to turn the light off on the Note 3 within blocking mode, right? That was the case with the s4, which makes sense since they're basically same generation.

On the Note 4, there's a separate option outside of blocking mode to turn the light on or off, but I'm not seeing it in the options within blocking mode.
Yes, they removed it in yours.