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- Improve Call Audio Quality (Doesn't seem to work if you have anything to do with Alltel!)
Dial ##7764726 (##PROGRAM) and act as if you were going to call that number.
Enter 000000 for the SPC Password and then tap Verify
Tap on "04 Vocode"
Tap on EVRC-B than Apply
Tap the Home Screen button and the phone should automatically reset a few seconds afterward. If not, power cycle the phone
Explanation - This changes how the phone compresses and decompressed the call audio which improves the quality."
I have also experienced this issue with the V1. I contacted Blueant support in November and they are aware of the problem. Aparrently there is an issue that they are trying to address with a firmware update. My last contact with Blueant about 2 weeks ago indicated that their technical people are still working on a fix. Upper management at Blueant is also aware of the problem and wants this problem fixed. Hopefully they can come thru soon. I am looking hard at switching to the new Ailph Icon headset if Blueant can't come thru soon.
i had same annoying problem ... and the conspiracy theorist in me had to chuckle ... Freakin Morotola is mad that i'm not using their bluetooth headsets.... welll please post something here if and when you hear of a resolution aka BLUEANT firmware update
My first post... Horrible static with my v1 and droid under 2.0.1; did the 2.1 download, and --- no static! Don't know if the bluetooth stack was tweaked or what, but my v1 is nice and clear, v1 voice dialing works, etc. v1 is at firmware 5.3.
reloaded firmware and tried with v2.1, got static...deleted the bluant from the bluetooth devices, restarted the phone, reset the bluant and it seems to be working. Will report back if I have any issues.