Bluetooth/Google Play Music error after about 1 hr and 15 min


Nov 17, 2009
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I'm using an unrooted Droid Razr with Android 4.1.2 on Verizon's network.

This weekend I drove about 2 hours through areas with hit and miss cellular signals. About 60 miles into the drive to my destination, google play music threw an error playing a song, and then when I clicked or skipped to any other song, I would still get the error. I literally was unable to play ANY song on my local device using google play music (I do not use the cloud for music storage, this is all on my external sd card). Slacker radio still worked perfectly fine. Even after power cycling the phone google play music refused to play any local file. When I arrived at my destination, after about 15 minutes I decided to try my phone and play music seemed to be working fine. So at this point I had the following list of potential culprits in the order I suspected them:

1. Cellular connection causing play music to break (which I was pissed about because all of these files are stored locally on my sd card).
2. Bluetooth and google play music breaking after a certain amount of time.
3. The charging cable being connected and overheating something.
4. A problem with the external SD card.

On the way back, I decided to set my phone on airplane mode and use play music to see if it was the cellular connection. I left the phone charger unplugged as well. After about 1 hr and 15 minutes, the exact same issue occurred. Slacker radio still streamed fine over bluetooth. This eliminated #1 and #3 as the potential culprit.

When I got home, I played music on my phone without it being connected via bluetooth to anything, and it played music for well over 2 hours just fine (I've never had this issue with playing music before and have used it for many hours). This eliminated #4 as the potential culprit.

So now I'm left with #2, that play music + bluetooth is only capable of streaming music for approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes before completely crapping out.

My questions are:

1. Could it be anything else?
2. Has anyone else experienced this?

Every once in a while google play music does the same thing to me... which is one of the reasons I pretty much quit using it. I get an error that the file can not be read and the music stops, as well as my bluetooth headset controls. If I use the track forward button on my phone, it will advance to the next song. Seems like GPM throws an awful lot of file read errors.

I don't have this problem when using other music players.

Alright I'm giving winamp a try, thanks for the reply!
Tried winamp on a shorter 30 minute trip. On the way there, worked fine. On the way back, connected via bluetooth in my car, winamp started giving the same errors saying the song couldn't be accessed or played or something. I tried google play music and it didn't work either. After I got out of my car, it initially would play a song for a second and then stop. A few minutes later, all apps were playing music fine again.

The external SD Card I'm using is a SanDisk 32gb Mobile Ultra Class 10.

Right now I'm using SDFormatter to format the SD card and copying everything back onto it. I don't have much hope that this will fix it but we'll see. If this doesn't work, I'll move all my music back to the internal storage. I never had issues using it like that.
Ahhhhh.... I also HAD the SanDisk Mobile ULtra Class 10 card and got rid of it. Changed to a Samsung Class 6 and my phone is a lot faster, especially loading pictures from the gallery. Whenever I put the sandisk into my SD slot on my computer I get a message telling me it has errors and needs to be scanned... even after formatting it. I wonder if THAT is your problem.

Well I setup bluetooth streaming to my laptop so I am playing songs right now to see if I can get it to fail again. I also have an old SD card I can try out if this fails. I'm about 15 minutes into playing music and no problems yet.
15 minute + 30 minute session with the Samsung Class 10 32gb formatted with SDFormatter streaming bluetooth to my laptop with no issues... I'll check in again after I let it run for 60 minutes! Also this is all using Google Play Music. One funny thing that is happening is that the description of the song in GPM doesn't always match what is being sent to the computer... odd!
1 hour and 20 minutes now with no issues... I guess the fix could be as simple as doing a quick format using SDFormatter! Crossing my fingers!

Update: 2 hours, no issues, I would say it's resolved unless it's something specific to connecting it to my car radio. I should be going on the same long trip this Saturday so I'll report back!
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On a side note, I'm noticing that browsing the gallery is noticeably faster than it was before using sdformatter to format the SD Card. At this point I would say using the SDFormatter quick formatter is a must for any new SD Card.
Came back again at the gym! Would not play a specific song, would get to 25 seconds in and then skip to the next song, not play, and then just stop. I tried the first song again, skipped at the same point. I picked a different song and it worked. A few minutes after that I tried the original song and it worked. I'm going to swap the SD Card with an old one I have.

Edit: Actually the card as a circled 2 on it so I'm guessing it's class 2, which I don't think is fast enough for HD Video recording. I guess I'll try buying a class 6 card and use the internal memory in the mean time. I'm also going to see if I can find a utility that will tell me if my memory card is defective.

Edit2: well I checked the disk for errors and bad sectors in Windows 7 and it says everything is fine. Ugh. I guess I'll wait and make sure the issue is gone using the internal storage, and if it is, then I'll buy a class 6 sd card.
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Picked up a SanDisk class 4 sd card from walmart. Wow, it is noticeably slower transferring from my PC using the sd card reader slot. The Samsung card transferred at something like 10-11 MB/s, this SanDisk transfers at 1.12 MB/s :(. After the first transfer with all my info it shouldn't be a big deal I guess because I only transfer a few songs at a time. I'll report back on how responsive the phone is and if I have any more issues.

Also this is so strange, when I use the sandisk in the usb port it transfers much faster at 4.60 MB/s. I think I read somewhere that it's better to use USB but the Samsung transferred at 10-11MB/s in the card reader. So weird.
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I've been using the class 4 sandisk 32gb card the past 5 days, which included lots of car trips, no issues so far. I think the answer may be that the Razr can't handle class 10 cards or they overheat or something.

Edit: I did get one message saying that the SD Card was unexpectedly removed (it wasn't), but I was able to play music right after that.
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I've been using the class 4 sandisk 32gb card the past 5 days, which included lots of car trips, no issues so far. I think the answer may be that the Razr can't handle class 10 cards or they overheat or something.

Edit: I did get one message saying that the SD Card was unexpectedly removed (it wasn't), but I was able to play music right after that.

Yup. What I said. :p