Bluetooth (phone audio, earpiece) on the Droid 4 hates me.


Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
I have a Plantronics 520 earpiece.

Brand new Droid 4.

First I had issues wiht Bluetooth phone audio flat out not working woth my SIP app, CSipSimple, i've simply accepted that it wont work, it had worked for standard phone calls though. Until it didnt anymore.

My earpiece pairs, and when i place a call, the earpiece notifies me that it's conencted (it makes a tone letting me know that it's handling audio for the call) but it's realllly inconsistent. Sometimes i dont hear the Ringing (on outgoing calls), sometimes i'll hear the first ring, then silence until the other end picks up, sometimes i get no ringing, and I cant hear the person after they've picked up.

On the heels of the really odd behavior i get out of CSipSimple, i'm leaning towards an issue with the phone, or Motorola's software rather than my Earpiece, which worked perfectly on my Droid Incredible.

Anyone else having phone audio issues on their Droid 4?
I hook up my d4 to my jvc in dash thru BT and have no problems. i actually havent dropped any call or lost connection from my music yet with the d4. always lost connection with my Thunderbolt.
I have an LG earpiece and it works great. Problem I'm having is I don't get any gTalk messages when bluetooth is turned on. Don't know about any other messages. Still testing. Will post this problem in its own thread.
I've decided that the bluetooth audio layer on this phone is too buggy to use. I don't even enable bluetooth anymore...

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