Blurry camera.


New Member
Jan 14, 2011
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I got my droid around 2 months ago, and up until about 2 weeks ago, the camera was working PERFECTLY. Clear, crisp images. Now, it's so blurry, any words over 2 inches away are completely illegible. I used my Droid 2 for taking pictures all the time, now that my camera's all messed up, I'm lost. I've tried downloading apps, cleaning the lens, rebooting the phone, NOTHING WORKS. This is my second droid, this problem never occured with the old one. Please help, I'm lost without my camera.
I got my droid around 2 months ago, and up until about 2 weeks ago, the camera was working PERFECTLY. Clear, crisp images. Now, it's so blurry, any words over 2 inches away are completely illegible. I used my Droid 2 for taking pictures all the time, now that my camera's all messed up, I'm lost. I've tried downloading apps, cleaning the lens, rebooting the phone, NOTHING WORKS. This is my second droid, this problem never occured with the old one. Please help, I'm lost without my camera.

You probably need to adjust the settings. The way you do this is while in camera mode swipe down while holding the phone in landscape. You will see a menu pop up. Scenes appears to me to be the most powerful, check that out and see if that doesn't help.
Tried that. Didn't work either. Every other aspect of my phone is fine, the only problem is the camera.
I'm having the same exact problem, my camera just refuses to focus.

The only remedy I have is to half press the shutter button a few times repeatedly and once every blue moon it'll focus... but I need/want a fix to this problem too

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Last night I was playing with the settings and changed the ISO from auto to 100 and voila, the focus started working again :)

Maybe it'll work for you too...

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Same problem with my droid 2: What are the original settings I have messed with them trying to get stuff to focus.

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I was having a blurry camera issue, when I first got my phone my pictures were perfect, then one day I realized my camera seemed horribly out of focus and wouldn't focus when taking the picture. After thinking about scanning a barcode this morning I realized I had removed my barcode app, reinstalled it and camera is 100% perfect again, just something stupid that just worked for me figured id post it to aid anyone else with the issue, sucks having a 5mp camera that doesn't work rofl.

EDIT: Just confirmed I uninstalled the barcode scanner and the camera went back to fuzzy, after reinstalling its crystal clear again, uninstalled again and now its staying clear. Maybe the constant focusing of the barcode scanner screws with the focus in the normal camera, I don't know but hope this helps anyone with the same kind of issues!

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I am also having the same problem. I got the barcode scanner app by ZXing Team and whenever I open up the camera app the picture is blurry before and after I take it. I can go to the barcode app and open it up and after lettin the camera auto focus a couple times I can exit the barcode app and go back and open my camera and the pics will be crisp like they are suppose to be. I can't figure this out other than the auto focus feature needs to be jumpstarted before it will work on the camera. Gone through and adjusted the camera settings hoping this would help but it didn't. The ISO setting didn't change anything and removing the barcode app still makes it fuzzy. Hope I can find a solution to this because it would be nice to have my camera in full working condition. I am also running liberty 1.5 (amazin ROM) and I have tried the asop camera that comes with the rom and the blur camera that comes stock on a D2. Any suggestions on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone

It almost seems as if the camera or the auto focus has to warm up before it will work. Any ideas?

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