Safestrap creates a "safe side" and "non safe side" partition on your device. The safe side is where your stock ROM resides, the non safe side is used to house ROMs that you flash. So, if your flashing is unsuccessful you always have your safe side to recover to. I offered this suggestion before in the original thread you started, and will offer it again. Based on your questions you really owe it to yourself to do more research. If you don't know the difference between Bootstrap and Safestrap and are not familiar with the recovery options and procedures when flashing ROMs etc then you're probably going to wind up in a non-recoverable situation sooner rather than later no matter what you use (Safestrap or Bootstrap). Flashing is normally safe when you know what you can do, what not to do, and how to recover. A lack of knowledge and understanding in any one of those three areas is a "accident looking for a place to happen". Just trying to help you.
By the way, what is it you're trying to do? Flash ROMS, freeze apps...what?