broken screen, root help?


New Member
Nov 10, 2011
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I was in a car accident in which my fiance died, and my screen broke on my droid x. I really want to look at old texts from that phone, and maybe an app or two. I have since upgraded to a new droid x. I never had any cool apps that allowed rooting. Im no tech genius, infact, i now have a brain injury on top of everything! if someone colud please give me EASY steps, that someone of my caliber, or lack there of, could understand, I would be ever so thankful. Verizon told me it is illegal for them to access my "mail" and they dont even have a program to do it. I have tried lots of sites like motorolla and even this one. However, I really dont understand the tech lingo. sorry, im sure this is a re-re-re-re-repost! but there are so many to go through, and nobodys problem is that of mine. Thanks!!!
I really wish I knew how to but I don't. I do know that Verizon can get texts from an old conversation because when there is a legal issue they look at texts as evidence during court proceedings. Maybe keep bugging them til you talk to the right person. Im sorry for your loss.

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There are some ways...
Either way... It could be interesting to do this...
How broke is the screen? Does it work/ can you see anything on it?
and do you know anything about what it's running/Android version or anything...

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