We have all been there you get to spot where your data connection is spotty at best. This can be quite a bad situation if you have to send out an emergency email, or look up a crucial piece of data. Now you can get your way out of this type of bind with a new and innovative browser. Cosmos browser allows you to access the web without wifi or data. As long as you are able to send and receive a text message you can surf the web. Now this is not the full fledged web this is a limited version of the web that you will be able to access.
Here is how it works. When you open the browser and type in a valid url a text message is sent to a server which finds and packages the requested website into an openable zip file which is sent back to your phone via text message. Cosmos intercepts the incoming text message and opens it in a viewable page. This is an early beta which means there will be bugs. If you would like to give this proof of concept a try head to the link below.
Via CosmosBrowser