BSOD Issues


Sep 5, 2011
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Newport News VA
I have been getting more BSOD issues lately causing me to do a battery pull more often. I had it happen 3 times in the first month then once a week and then today twice in one day with my battery down to 20% when it was at 70% an hour earlier . Anyone else having to do more battery pulls lately ? Man I really hope the OTA will fix this phone because I really like it when its working.
Mine goes into spurts. It usually fixes itself.

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I was getting BSOD and random never ending reboots. Switched from th extended battery back to the original battery and they stopped. After installing the 5.7.893 update and putting the external battery back in I havent had a single BSOD or reboot. Its been six days since I installed the update.
It seems to be expected. On page 53 of the manual it says:

In the unlikely event that your smartphone stops
responding to touches and key presses, try a quick
reset. Remove the back cover and battery (“Assemble &
charge” on page 3), then replace and switch your
smartphone on as usual.

In the RAZR Manual it says to hold power and Volume Down for 10 seconds.
Pulling the battery multiple times a day is a huge PITA when you've got a case protecting the phone. Whatever is causing the issue (hardware/software), Motorola really needs to address it soon. This has apparently been an ongoing problem since its release, and the recent OTA update didn't seem to resolve it. :angry:
Gotten it twice since ota...never before

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I saw on another forum where a user pointed out how it says at the bottom of page 4 in the Bionic User Manual that "Your touchscreen might stay dark if the sensor just above it is covered." I'm trying to recall if my fiancé had any problems with her phone waking before she purchased a screen protector...
After installing the 5.7.893 update last month. I havent had a single BSOD or random reboot. And I went from a couple a day to nothing. Its now been 44 days.
After installing the 5.7.893 update last month. I havent had a single BSOD or random reboot. And I went from a couple a day to nothing. Its now been 44 days.

And you've got a screen protector on your phone?
I guess I'll have my fiance remove her screen protector tonight, and we'll see if that improves matters.

If your screen protector is not covering the sensors above your display then the screen protector is not part of your problem. Verizon has screen protectors available that cover your display but do not cover the sensors above them.

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If your screen protector is not covering the sensors above your display then the screen protector is not part of your problem. Verizon has screen protectors available that cover your display but do not cover the sensors above them.

The screen protector she was using was purchased from Ebay, and it did cover the sensors above the display. Even after removing it though, she still had the screen not wake up! :icon_evil: For the time being I had her remove the Pandora app, as I read on another forum where this fixed the problem for another user. She hasn't had any issues so far today, but if we can't figure out what's causing it by Friday, we'll be exchanging it for another one on Saturday.