Bye-Bye Bionic!

Speeding Wheels

Senior Member
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
Detroit - in da burbs!
Finally had success convincing VZW to let me upgrade early!
I am now the proud owner of a Droid DNA.

I really wish that the Bionic had been a priority for both VZW and Moto.. I reallllly liked my phone, at least until it was obvious we (Bionic owners) were the red-headed step-children of the Moto/VZW partnership.

The ONLY thing that makes me sad in all this is losing my unlimited data but it had to be done.
I've been dropping calls far too frequently since the ICS update and it just wasn't worth the frustration any longer.

Those of you who are hoping for an early upgrade give VZW a call when you have a chance. Just be nice, but firm and you never know what might happen :)
Good for you man.... Nobody! should have to be stuck with a device that doesn't work like it should. If you ask me Verizon should have to bite the bullet, regardless of contract situation, specially when they are so proud to brand the device.

Sent from the Best overlooked phone in the market. LG SPECTRUM²