Calendar draining my battery - HELP!


New Member
Mar 22, 2010
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I purchased my Droid last Monday (3/15). Everything was working great and I downloaded several apps throughout the week. On Friday I ended up sync'ing my contacts to my Facebook account so it updated my contact list to include all my Facebook friends. I also sync'd an app called EboBirthdays to my Facebook and then sync'd the Ebo App to my calendar. That evening my fully charged battery died over night. I charged it back up and then it died again 2 hours later. It has only been holding a charge for about 2-3 hours ever since Saturday morning. I have a battery app that shows the phone does get a full charge. I also have a tracking app that shows that the battery charges all the way but then starts taking massive hits of battery use. When I check Settings>About Phone>Battery Use it tells me that 70-80% of my battery is being used by my calendar. I have uninstalled EboBirthday and used my App Killer countless number of times to kill all Apps running but my battery still only lasts 2-3 hours. I called Motorola and they were not any help. They told me I needed to reset my entire phone back to factory settings and if that didn't work to get a new battery. I am trying to avoid both of those and I really do not think that it is the battery.

Any suggestions? PLEASE HELP!
Moto may very well be right. It probably is faster and easier to swap that out. The battery shouldn't be going through that much juice. I don't use the calendar but I'd think if it was trying to sync constantly that would be a drain....but then I'd also think the moto folks on the phone would have pointed that out too.
Constant or way too frequent syncs taking place with calendar and those other apps. Check your sync frequency, uninstall rogue app or factory reset.
Thank you

Thank you to everyone who responded. I was able to fix it after reading about a possible solution on a link to another thread BayouFlyFisher sent. I was able to clear data from my calendar and my calendar storage. This deleted everything I had on my calendar, but I only had 5 appointments so it can easily be reset. I am slowly adding some of my apps back and so far so good. I have had my phone off the charger for over an hour and it is still 100% charged. I also checked the battery usage and my calendar is not even listed anymore.

:icon_ banana:
If you make sure calendar is set to sync and reboot, your phone should download all of your appointments from google's servers...assuming they were ever sync'ed to google.
Calendar sync

Is it possible to syn calendar events maybe only once or twice a day rather than anytime. I suspect that is what is killing my batter.