Calendar Pad Help


Nov 26, 2009
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I'm using an app called Calendar pad and K-9.

I have finally got my IMAP working properly for my personal domain and it's hosted through gmail servers. I am able to get outlook to sync just fine with the google calendar being used by my personal domain, but I can't seem to figure out how to get calendar pad to recognize the new calendar. It only seems to recognize my actual @gmail account, and not my account even though it's hosted on gmail. I have also tried to share the calendar in the webmail settings with the gmail account, but it only allows me to share as "free/busy" not edit with the gmail account. Even at that, it still doesn't seem to show up at all in calendar pad.

Please Help
I will say that I've checked my gmail account and it allows me to see the calendar I've shared, but again it only shows busy, it doesn't even show the details on there.
should i retitle this or put it in a different forum or something? Some one on here has to have the answer.
i still haven't been able to resolve this. can anyone help?

Unfortunately sometimes we don't have an answer. When it comes down to this I usually will try and google the answer. It's more work but if you truly want to resolve this issue then that might be what you have to do.

I personally am not even familiar with "Calendar Pad" so I have no way to help you . I never like to see a post go completely without an answer and a short google search provided this link:

Hope you find it helpful.
Thanks. and sorry for the cross post. I really don't think that the issue has anything at all to do with calendar pad. That just happens to be the widget i'm using on my phone. The real issue is that I cant get my calendar which is hosted with gmail to sync with my actual gmail calendar. Any google search i've found suggests that there's a setting, but i can't seem to find it.
So, I need just a little clarity added here.

-You have two google calendars, one from one account and one from your domain, correct?
-You have added the one from your domain, to your other account?
Go to both accounts in a web-browser, click settings>calendar setting>calendars and be sure that your sharing is set up correctly.

I have several calendars synced to my google calendar including facebook events, facebook birthday, my girl friend's google calendar, and my work's calendar. The ones that I'm allowed to edit, I can edit, the ones that I'm not, I cant.
So, I need just a little clarity added here.

-You have two google calendars, one from one account and one from your domain, correct?
-You have added the one from your domain, to your other account?
Go to both accounts in a web-browser, click settings>calendar setting>calendars and be sure that your sharing is set up correctly.

I have several calendars synced to my google calendar including facebook events, facebook birthday, my girl friend's google calendar, and my work's calendar. The ones that I'm allowed to edit, I can edit, the ones that I'm not, I cant.

Yeah. that's pretty much it. The only problem is, I want to be able to edit the one from my domain on my gmail calendar, but it doesn't even let me see details. It's acting like only people in my domain can edit.
Are you sure that, in your domain's calendar settings, that you have your other account set up for sharing and editing? Go to your domains calendar, click on settings, then calendar settings, then calendars, scroll down and make sure that your other account's settings are set correctly
here's what i have:

check - share this calendar with others
no check - make public
check - share with everyone in organization (see all details)

under share with specific people
on my domain account - Make changes AND manage sharing
for any gmail accounts it only has - see only free/busy (hide details)

there is no option for make changes and manage sharing for any of the gmail.

I've read that there should be, and there's some other setting I'm missing, but I don't know where it is or what it is.
Your absolutely right in thinking that its a problem with your account and not with your application. You should write an email to the support techs over there, they should be able to sort you out.