Camera help

Dec 7, 2010
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Im on 2.5, but yesterday I went to take a picture the camera app came up but when I would take a picture, the picture wouldn't show in either gallery..and now the camera app force closed when i try to open it. Any help? Oh, I'm using the blur camera by the way.

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try clearing cache for the camera and the 2 galleries.

and i am sure you did this already, but reboot.
Clearing the cache in the settings or clockwork? And yes I have rebooted.

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Try doing it in the manage applications menu in the phone settings....i am sure doing it in clockwork would work as well though

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I've reinstalled the apk, I've cleared the cache in clockwork but it still force closes.

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I've reinstalled the apk, I've cleared the cache in clockwork but it still force closes.

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I am having the same experience with the Camcorder. The camera seems to work fine. But when I use the slider switch to go to the Camcorder it will switch then in a few seconds it force closes.

Also if I use the button to bring up the menu and switch to video there , it also force closes
I was not having problems with the Video camera...UNTIL I flashed GummyJar. Is this a fix for GummyJar? It doesnt mention anything but Fusion.
OK, I downloaded them both onto the download directory in the phone, Now just install bu using Droid X Bootstrapper and the install from zip function?? Right??