Camera taking crappy pics, and never used to... all since GB


Jul 17, 2010
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Anyone else having an issue with their camera taking horrible washed out pics? My phone used to take great pictures and now, since the GB update, its taking HORRIBLY washed out photos, even when the flash is off. If I adjust the exposure to -1, it takes SUPER dark photos... like something with the software's white balance is off. I have tried a third party camera app as well as the stock app and no luck with either, both are washed out. The photo attached was taken in Sept 2010, compared to the washed out picture taken today of the same dog.... The one with the black dog in it isn't as badly washed out, but its still not a good picture and NOTHING like what the phone used to take of that dog either!!! Anyone know a fix? Tried rebooting, tried force stopping, tried clearing the cache... flash was NOT on with these photos although the flash on did just make the wash out worse.
Funny, the camera was supposed to be improved with GB.

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I did notice a vast improvement when I went into settings and set the resolution to high (8 mega pixels)

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After knowing what this camera can do, and now seeing what it is doing, doesn't make me happy that there is an issue. The good picture is so crsip and clear for a phone's camera I was really impressed... not anymore.... makes me want to haul my point and shoot around in my pocket if those other two pictures is how this dang thing is going to act.

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This and battery drain are pathetic. Both sold as improved. New to vzw and looks like a pos like sprint. Cell market needs real competition.
No wonder apple sells....might not be cutting edge but it works...time to seriously look.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
This and battery drain are pathetic. Both sold as improved. New to vzw and looks like a pos like sprint. Cell market needs real competition.
No wonder apple sells....might not be cutting edge but it works...time to seriously look.

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The funny thing is everyone screams that an os upgrade doesn't come fast enough. Then when one is put out, maybe a bit prematurely, we complain about it not being perfect...

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Give it some time to settle. These things tend to happen with OS updates. After a day, you should see some stability.
Anyone else having an issue with their camera taking horrible washed out pics? My phone used to take great pictures and now, since the GB update, its taking HORRIBLY washed out photos, even when the flash is off. If I adjust the exposure to -1, it takes SUPER dark photos... like something with the software's white balance is off. I have tried a third party camera app as well as the stock app and no luck with either, both are washed out. The photo attached was taken in Sept 2010, compared to the washed out picture taken today of the same dog.... The one with the black dog in it isn't as badly washed out, but its still not a good picture and NOTHING like what the phone used to take of that dog either!!! Anyone know a fix? Tried rebooting, tried force stopping, tried clearing the cache... flash was NOT on with these photos although the flash on did just make the wash out worse.

Looks like you bumped up your exposure settings in those last two pics. The first pic is nice, clear and very sharp. The others look over exposed to me is all.

Since updating to GB .595 a couple weeks ago (before my SBF back to Froyo), my camera has VASTLY improved in quality. So you either need a factory reset or you need to make sure your exposure settings aren't all bumped up.

In any case, good luck in fixing it. I hated the camera for a long time, but am happy with it now.
I understand that the exposure looks over exposed, however I DID NOT change that setting when I took those last two pics. The setting is at zero. If I drop it to -1 the picture is horribly dark, put it back to 0 and its super washed out and overexposed. I reset defaults, rebooted, cleared cache, force stopped - all no luck. Photos are still overexposed. Sucks cause I use the phones camera a lot! First time I loaded the camera up after the gb update those last two pics are my result....

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Check the white balance. Mine went to incandecent when I went to GB. Don't know why, just did.

Mine took all kind of washed/dark pics until I put it back to auto white balance.

Worked for mine anyhow...granted I'm on D1, but was a GB issue for us.

Good luck.

Sent from my Droid1, Stable 1.2Ghz, Peter Alfonso v2 LV kernel, CM7.0.3, Zepplinrox Supercharged, Gingerbread 2.3.3 phone using DroidForums.
I dont have auto white balance settings. Matter of fact, I dont have any settings to adjust anything. Guess it's because of the Blur.

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Just upgraded went to take a photo shows in upper left corner 5mp, go to settings still set at 8mp, change settings to 1mp shows 1mp in left corner, go to 8mp in settings shows 5 go to 5 shows 3...... ANY ideas?

being able to uninstall silent snap as its now a setting was pretty nice buuut....
In my opinion the camera on the Droid X has not taken good pictures since I've had it. The pictures are ok. My original Droid took better pics. I'm not big on taking pics using a phone camera anyway so its no big deal to me.