Can an airport x-ray machine have a negative effect on a cell phone?

Jan 27, 2010
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I asked this because I recently went on a trip where I had to fly, and just as always sent the phone through the x-ray machine thinking everything was wasn't till later where I felt the phone may have been effected by the machine. I've flown plenty of times before and each time sent my phone through the x-ray and nothing has happened. But this time was odd because of a few instances. The first was when I was mid-flight, I took out my phone to play a few games on it, only to realize that it was off. Funny, because I never turned it off, I had switched it into airplane mode right before we took off. Okay so I tried turning it back on and it didn't work. So I did the battery pull hoping that should do it - nope. That really got me worried. So when we landed for our connecting flight I was able to plug the wall charger in at the airport and the phone turned right back on. This has NEVER happened to my phone since it was purchased back in May. Odd.. Well this actually happened a couple times on that trip. There were a few instances where I would check my phone and it would be off for some reason (I never shut it off) at random times during the day. Some of those times, the phone was able to turn back on. The other times, I would have to actually plug it into the charger for it to turn back on. I started to think and wonder why the phone would act this way when I was able to conclude that it may have been the x-ray machine (if at all) that may have had some kind of effect on it (it would be pretty sweet if my phone transformed). I haven't dropped the phone nor have I downloaded any suspicious apps to even cause the phone to act in such manner. And then after the Froyo update, I've noticed the phone not lasting as long as it used to, draining much quicker even with limited use. Before I was able to get a good a good 15-16 hrs of use with average to above-average play, but now I'm averaging to around 10-12 hrs with moderate usage. I've check the usage and there is nothing out of the ordinary, no odd apps/maps/etc draining it, just normal usage. It was fine literally 3 weeks ago, right before I left for the trip.

So it got me wondering, aside from the battery draining, but the random shut downs and not starting up, could it all have been potentially caused by that x-ray machine?
I can't see what on a cell phone would be damaged by light waves. Now, the metal detector, that might be a different matter to the storage media.
I'm not into the nuts and bolts of hardware but it seems to me that if the security folks do not Xray a laptop the same reasons/rational should apply to a smartphone.
i go thru 2 xray machines a week in airports. never a single problem with anything
In the 4 years I traveled for work...2 to 6 flights per week.
Never an adverse effect on either my cells or laptops...
I think there is a better chance that a recent app install, OTA update, or task killer is causing your problems then there is of an airport x-ray machine being the culprit
I have the x-ray at an airport kill two the charge on two fully charged phone batteries before.