Can anyone recommend a good camera app??


Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
I liked the android 2.3.6 camera, and now i'm running gummy .9 and it has the ICS camera.

I much prefered the fast shutter speed of the gingerbread camera, does anyone know of an app that's similar?

Or would getting the camera.apk from a stock 2.3.6 and installing it in gummy work?
if so, does anyone have that .apk? or know how I could get it?

If you like HDR photograhy, HDR+ camera is a great app. It's meant more for high contrast environments and you can't use a flash, but it's a lot of fun to play with.

Plus the editing software inside is really good.

Other one's that I have tried are pixlr-o-matic and FxZoom camera, which are also pretty well done.
I'm looking for ones with fast shutter speeds and auto focus, like the gingerbread camera the droid 4 had stock. The ICS camera doesnt focus until you press take picture, and that results in a 3 seconds waiting time from button press to picture take and it drives me up the wall

this of course could be because of the rom's im running on it, but any input is appreciated!