Can I change my theme?


New Member
Nov 14, 2010
Reaction score
I just rooted my droid x yesterday night and changed my theme. But I lost all of my appear and contacts. But when I downloaded app installer I found all of my apps. I then had to download all 60 appear singaly. Took me like 30 minutes. Is there an easier way to download all of them. And im planning to change my theme to something else. Can I change my theme with a theme already installed? Or do I have to delete that theme and start all over? Im still new to this rooting.

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if "appear" = applications, usually after you wipe data/cache, and start the phone again, it will automatically download the apps for you. if you go into the market, and click downloads, you will see a bunch of apps downloading. just let it run until you get the notification that X ammount of apps restored.

as for themes, those usually go with custom ROMs. so look into bootstrapper and clockwork mod recovery, and Roms. RubiX, Apex, and Fission all have some nice themes. you can make your own theme if you wish, but it takes a lot of time and effort. if you have any questions about bootstrapper or clockwork or flashing ROMs and themes, just let me know via PM and i will try and help you out. i am new to this as well, but i learned a LOT the first time i did everything.
a really easy way to backup your apps for the next time you apply a theme is to download titanium backup in the marketplace and use it to back up all of your apps to your sd card. that way when you wipe everything you can just reinstall tb and it will restore your apps way faster than the market does.