Can someone give me a quick lesson on different memory allocations?

New Daddy

Nov 23, 2009
Reaction score
I come from Windows Mobile. With my new Android phone (Droid 4), I'm still trying to learn what different memory allocations mean.

First, an app that I use - Easy Task Killer - reports that I'm already using 60% (663MB of 0.90GB) of memory. But when I go to Menu - Manage Apps, it says I'm using 411MB of the 2.6 GB Application Storage area. Of course, there is the separate Media area of 8GB.

Is the 0.9GB allocation equivalent to WM's "program memory" and the application storage equivalent to WM's "storage memory"? If the 0.9GB is equivalent to WM's "program memory", I'm a little concerned that it's already using 60%.

How do you reclaim memory from the "program" allocation? Kill a task with the Easy Task Killer app?