can someone help me out?


New Member
Mar 12, 2016
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Current Phone Model
galaxy note 2
hey guys, I've got a quick question about my galaxy note 2. (from what I gather I'm behind the times)

recently (yesterday) my browser started popping up with a webpage load error and the link starts with " intent:// " rather than the http:

Now I have not rooted the phone and this is happening on the stock browser. I haven't downloaded any unusual apps or files, so I don't know why this has started happening. Is this some setting I have accidentally switched on or is it something else.

the only apps aside from what came on the phone are baconreader, snap, and craigslist. I have a friend that works for verizon so he helped me disable the unused/needed blotware.

all help or insight would be appreciated.
Intent is often used when you need to code your app to open from a click-able link. I'm not sure how your browser has become stuck on that other than Samsung's browser doesn't support app linking and may have had a brainfart.

You can try to clear its cache and even its data to see if it goes away. This can wipe all of your bookmarks, saved password logins, browsing history, etc so be sure to have it synchronized with your Google account.

To see the cache/data of the browser press and hold on it in the app drawer and drag it up to the info button that should pop up on top. Or go to Settings, Application Manager, All and it will be listed there.

Alternatively you can download any of the handful of browsers on the playstore and see if the problem persists system wide.
Welcome to the Forum @td420. Looks like @Ollie has some good advice for you.. Good luck and let us know if it worked for you.
thanks for the input Ollie. I'll give it a shot and see if a different browser will work. clearing the cache/data didn't work. I even switched it to run off WiFi and see if that helped but to no avail.

the strange part is it picks and chooses what websites it will do this problem for.
I think you said your friend from Verizon helped you to freeze sounds like maybe one of the apps you messed with did unestabled perhaps the flash which is directly related to the browser..if I am right not matter how many other browsers you play with won't respond appropriately to you..if that's the case..try to reinstall the original flash..let me know.
so far the chrome browser is working. I did forget to mention that when google photos updated, i unistalled it since i never used it.. i dont know if that has anything to do with it or not.

xavier, is reinstalling the original flash factory resetting the phone?
Have you looked at your app associations? It's possible it is looking for something you have inadvertently frozen in the background.

I would see if the stock browser is linked to a function that it can't call upon anymore and if it is you can unassociate it.

It would be listed under your Default Applications inside of the Settings app.