can you continue using droid without contract


Feb 14, 2010
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I'm considering an upgrade to a droid x, but i'd like the idea of still using my moto droid 1 both for wireless connection and for gps (geocaching). Is this possible, or will the phone be "locked" without a verizon contract?
I'm considering an upgrade to a droid x, but i'd like the idea of still using my moto droid 1 both for wireless connection and for gps (geocaching). Is this possible, or will the phone be "locked" without a verizon contract?
It definitely won't work for wireless connection or google maps, because you won't have it assigned to a phone line with a data package. About the best you can do is play music through the music player.

You said about geocaching - do you use c:geo? I'm an avid geocacher and of the 42 caches I've found since I started in June, there's only 3 caches that have been elusive, and none can be attributed to the Droid. I believe at least 2 of them were "muggled".
to use the gps and download map (or even just using radar without map)

Yes, I use c:geo as my primary program. (also have geobeagle, geohunter and cachemate installed :blink: )

there have been times when all three other programs have failed me and c:geo has been right on target!