Cannot find adb: No such file or directory exists


New Member
Apr 29, 2011
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Hi all,

Trying to re-root my Droid X (Android version 2.2.1) using the method described in this link:

I can not get a root prompt, I get thrown the above error while executing Step 4.

$ ./rage*.bin
[*] CVE-2010-EASY Android local root exploit (C) 2010 by 743C
[*] checking NPROC limit . . .
[*] RLIMIT _NPROC={3815, 3815}
[*] Searching for adb . . .
[-] Cannot find adb: No such file or directory
lol, for whatever reason I can't get the formatting of that right . . . but you can see what's going on. :icon_eek:

I was able to root once back in the day and now Im stuck with no root and a build (GummyJAR) that I just totally want to change. I need root . . . . then I will be back in business. I'm linux savvy so if there are things I can do in terminal I would be glad to do so. Thanks in advance.

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+1 It does sound like you are in the wrong directory and you need to cd
Wow, Ive come far since that first post.

So I figured I would give z4root a try and I was able to root the phone. Then I proceeded to break it . . . stuck at the M logo.

Many huge thanks and props go out to maderschramm for creating an awesome guide on flashing the sbf. I initially ran into problems using Windows 7 x64. But in a show of awesomeness there are instructions on how to do it in linux, along with a nice little shell script.

Moved over to my Natty 11.04 partition and within a few minutes my phone is functional again. This is a great site.
