Cannot Voice Dial


Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
OK, after pressing the voice dialer icon and speaking clearly into the phone, it simply doesn't work. It just keeps showing an error "!" and says "please try again.

I used the voice dialing feature of my razr for years with very few problems. I have yet to make a single call successfully on the droid using this feature.

Clearly, I'm doing something wrong. What is it?
Mine works most of the time, but I will admit, it is a little more cumbersome than the razr, which had the best voice dialing of any phone i ever had.
Are you using the actual Voice Dialer application, or the Google Voice Search? I have found that the Voice Dialer app doesn't work very well (for me at least). However, the voice recognition built into the Google Voice Search is amazing. I think I've only had it not understand me once or twice out of several dozen uses.

You can access voice search by doing a long press on the search soft button on your phone. When the Speak Now box appears, just say "Call Bob at work" or whatever you want, and if you have Bob's work number in your Gmail contacts, it will call Bob at work.

EDIT: Oh and you may already know this, but you can also use Google Voice Search to search for anything on google, or to get directions. For example, you could say "Navigate to Area 51" and it will immediately launch the turn-by-turn navigation app with directions to the entrance to Groom Lake. Or you can say "Find Pizza" and it will launch the Maps application centered on your current location along with the locations of all nearby places to get pizza. It's really quite awesome.
When using the Voice Search, not Voice Call, I never get a response selecting one of my contacts. It's like the phone is ignoring my contacts list, instead always giving me website results for the name I requested.
Is there something I need to set on the Droid for this to work.

Voice search does find the contact I am trying to reach, but not every time.
I did notice that when using the voice dialer (not the search mic) you must speak immediately after the tone or, it fails. I was waiting for the "speak now" screen to come up.

I have used the voice search successfully many times for web searches etc., but haven't tried to find a contact or dial with it. I didn't know that was an option.

Even when the voice dialer works, it pulls up a dialogue box on the screen with a list of possible things you said. Kinda worthless in my opinion.