Can't complete a text!! UGH!


New Member
Feb 9, 2012
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I've had my smartphone for a few months--it is a Droid by Motorola with a slide out keypad.

For a couple of weeks when I try to write a text I'm lucky to get 2 words down and it either:

1) stops working and takes me back to my home screen

2) I get a "Sorry!" Activity is not responding and gives me the option of Force close, Wait, Report (can't report--because I CAN'T TEXT). lol

3) I get one or two words down, it automatically takes me to the previous screen (my messages) and I have to keep going back and forth between the screens getting one or two words in at a time

4) it doesn't show what I'm typing as I'm typing--then kicks me out.

5) after typing a couple of words there is a delay between my typing and when it shows on the screen, or instead of showing the letters I'm typing weird vertical lines appear.

I have, turned the power on and off, removed the battery, tried texting in different applications such as handcent (which I downloaded after the problem began to see if texting would work in a different application), cleared my data for my texting app's.

No matter if I'm texting through facebook messenger, the texting program that came installed in the phone when I bought it, or the one I just downloaded and tried I can't get the problem to go away.

I am having the exact same problem. I have a Droid 2 global - slide out keyboard. This started yesterday, out of the blue. This happens whether I'm using the screen or the physical keyboard and it happens no matter the app: Texting, Browser, etc. Anywhere I have to type.

I'm having this problem also! My phone did this not long ago and I had to do a complete reset, which fixed it for a while but now it's doing it again. This second spell started with the problem being triggered when I tried to use the ( ) keys, but now it's exactly like you described. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this??
Yee ha! It worked perfectly. I am soooooo relieved! Thank you for directing us to that link. I wasn't even sure how to search the forums for this issue.
You're quite welcome, I've had this problem before and did a factory reset, lost everything...and it started again yesterday, it really stinks, I'm just glad someone figured out such an easy fix!