Can't find a few native apps......


Oct 2, 2011
Reaction score
When I look under "manage apps" I see that there is a native weather app, car dock, and some others. However, I can't seem to find any of these on my Bionic. Any idea on how to access them?


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Somebody's gotta know. Don't make me re-post this in the general section! C'amon people! ;p

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Weather is for the weather widget, car dock is probably for if you have a car dock, it activates that app.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
When I look under "manage apps" I see that there is a native weather app, car dock, and some others. However, I can't seem to find any of these on my Bionic. Any idea on how to access them?


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Car dock is accessed by inserting the phone into a car docking station and weather is there to feed widgets (as I understand it).
Car dock is accessed by inserting the phone into a car docking station and weather is there to feed widgets (as I understand it).

I think he means the app draw.

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Ok, I understand the car dock but what about the native weather app? Where do I find or get the widget?

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