Car Panel & Navigation Dock...can I disable it?


Senior Member
Dec 15, 2009
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I have the Navigation Dock for my Rezound which I love. What I don't love is that each time I mount the phone the Car Panel automatically pops up and I have to hit Exit, then wait for my home screen to redraw since it kills Launcher Pro each time. Is there any way to permanently disable the Car Panel, so that when I plug it in to the Navigation Dock nothing happens (except for charging)? I've checked the Dock settings and there's nothing in there relating to the Car Panel.

Any ideas?
If you're rooted delete them (or disable them). If you're not rooted but pre OTA, temp root and disable them. Otherwise, suffer the righteous indignation of not being able to touch them as HTC/Verizon intended.
If you're rooted delete them (or disable them). If you're not rooted but pre OTA, temp root and disable them. Otherwise, suffer the righteous indignation of not being able to touch them as HTC/Verizon intended.

Ha thanks! I figured that would be the easiest way...but I'm not rooted. Haven't found the need to, yet. How about modifying the dock? Do you know what is it about the Navigation dock that triggers the Car Panel?
USB accessory mode from what I understand. Someone else was trying the old magnet routine and it didn't work so it should be accessory mode. Unfortunately the only thing that's getting rid of that is a good programmer.
More irritating than no way to disable it is how it turns on wifi also.

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Which dock do you guys use? Anyone have a link? Was thinking about ordering one for the bedside.
Ha thanks! I figured that would be the easiest way...but I'm not rooted. Haven't found the need to, yet

There's your "need"..

Back when I first rooted my d1, it was just to change the screen on&off sounds. Sometimes the simple things require us to root.. kinda a bummer...

----posted maxx'ed out----
More irritating than no way to disable it is how it turns on wifi also.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using DroidForums

Actually, that part you can turn off. Open up the regular dock mode and in the Settings you can turn the auto wifi off.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
Which dock do you guys use? Anyone have a link? Was thinking about ordering one for the bedside.

I use the Verizon navigation dock. I like that it fits with cases and even the extended battery.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
Download "NoDock" and "Car Dock Setting" apps. You're welcome.
Actually, that part you can turn off. Open up the regular dock mode and in the Settings you can turn the auto wifi off.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums

I don't see any setting for this in dock mode or otherwise.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
Download "NoDock" and "Car Dock Setting" apps. You're welcome.

Thanks! NoDock requires root, so that won't work for me. But I did find DockNothing, which actually worked! When I put the phone in the navigation dock the screen flickers and I get a quick redraw, but the Car Panel doesn't come up! It still shows the Car Panel icon in the notification bar though. But at least I don't have to hit Menu-Exit every time.

So, if you guys are tired of the Car Panel, download DockNothing. I'm waiting for the ICS OTA update, then I'll root and unbloat this bad boy :)