Certified "Like-New" Replacment phone????


New Member
Feb 3, 2010
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So I went to VZW with a problem, my phone kept rebooting, they didnt even ask to see the phone or anything they just asked me to verify a few things and told me I'd have a new one shipped to me. GREAT! Well I got it today and it says:


Ummm. BULL****? I had a NEW phone, it had major issues, under warranty they will replace it. REPLACE? I want a NEW phone I don't want a refurbished phone that someone has been farting all over already.

I know why they do this, it isn't cost effective to give everyone with a problem a new phone when they can just fix and reissue a broken one, hence why I must send my phone back. It's not that they couldn't give everyone new phones, it would just cost more money and thus making the profits slimmer and make then Wall Street money masters ANGRYYYYYY.

So. Am I just being a baby? It pisses me off you never hear about this until you go to actually do it, I'm sure its in the fine print somewhere that I "signed" when I got the phone, but I can't decide if it's worth the fight....
You're completely right, I fart on my phone all the time and I'm sure others do as well so its very possible that your replacement has been farted all over.
Well I understand your anger over the issue, I had the same problems many times over the years I had Sprint. But here is the main question to ask yourself. If the words "Like New" were not in sight, would you know it was not a brand new phone? Does it perform and look brand new? if so than it may not be worth the fight.
But as always, my opinion is that of my own, and based upon my experiences only. For me as long as there was no cosmetic damage, and the internals worked properly, I only knew it wasn't new because they told me so.
You're completely right, I fart on my phone all the time and I'm sure others do as well so its very possible that your replacement has been farted all over.


OP, I'm not going to insult you by saying you're being a baby but that's the way it works. When your phone is replaced it wasn't brand new at that time. Why would you be entitled to a new phone? You get a certified like new refurb and that's pretty much it.

Hope it works well for you.
I've never farted on my phone, don't keep it in my back pocket. But I think I'll make a point to fart on it before I send it back after I get a replacement. Serves them right for sending me a farted on phone, those farts.
If it's within 30 days - You get a New Device
If it's past 30 days - You get a like-new Device

Always has been like that.
Is there some equal or lesser value clause I didn't see lol, I hear you hook but I think im 100% entitled to a new phone because thats what I originally had, that like saying if I cracked my screen and sent off for a new one I'm only entitled to a new one with a cracked screen as well.
Is there some equal or lesser value clause I didn't see lol, I hear you hook but I think im 100% entitled to a new phone because thats what I originally had, that like saying if I cracked my screen and sent off for a new one I'm only entitled to a new one with a cracked screen as well.

Well, it's like Backnblack said. 30 days or less, new phone. Over 30 days, refurb.

I assumed since you got a refurb you had yours over 30 days. If that's not the case you have every right to trot on down to the Verizon Store and stomp your feet and demand a new one.
obviously the main issue is the farts. I KNOW someone elses fart dust has grazed this phone. Now you may be thinking "what about the chinamen that put the phone together?? some of them probably farted too."

PERHAPS. But there is a difference between the pure farts that grace themselves out of a chinaman who only eats rice and water, and the American fart from the last guy who had my phone who just sharted white castle mere inches from my phone.
the fart thing is jesty but in all srsness:

I've got refurbs from insurance before that seem new except for the "Like New" sticker. So I'm cool with it. Also, I'm not sure if refurbs from VZW are the same but one time I got one from insurance that had scratches on it so I told them and they sent me another one without any questions. I didn't have to pay insurance again and I wasn't given any sort of "oh well deal with it" attitude or anything.

So if it seems new except for the sticker then you're good to go IMO, if it doesn't seem new for some reason, let them know about it.
tell me one manufacturer warranty that they give you a BRAND NEW product if yours had a defect....DONE!
obviously the main issue is the farts.

WTH are going on about?

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tell me one manufacturer warranty that they give you a BRAND NEW product if yours had a defect....DONE!

......the majority of them........

the only reason VZW stands out is because its a high tech gizmo produced on a massive scale and is less cost effective to reissue, somethings cost more to fix than to replace. Not these though.
I got a refurbished phone too when I had to send my first one in. Was kinda sad to see my original droid go. Now my refurbed one won't connect to the gps for my news and weather widget. Might be getting another one if it keeps acting up...
Well to be honest it looks perfect. No scratches, screen is flawless. Only thing I do see is the keyboard seems VERY flat, my older droid the keys are somewhat plumped up, but on the replacment they are absolutely flat. I think it may be just due to the use its gotten surely they dont have a different keyboard.