Change grid size for more icons on home screen?


Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
Is there a way, or an app, or a launcher that will allow me to change the grid size on the home screen? WidgetLocker allows me to do this on the lock-screen and its so nice. There's too much wasted space between Widgets / icons as it is stock.
Try installing multicon app. Works great for me.

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I just tried it. Not quite what wanted but it might be helpful in the future. Thanks for the suggestion.

I'm more looking to change the native grid size so that I can space out calendar, weather, and toggle widgets the way I want. Specifically, I want 5 rows instead of 4.
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LauncherPro Plus.. some things aren't available in the free version, but I believe the row/columns options are.

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Launcher pro did it. Thanks guys.

Now, can anyone recommend a replacement for moto's 1-touch txt/caller widget? Moto's doesn't work real well in launcher pro.
Launcher pro did it. Thanks guys.

Now, can anyone recommend a replacement for moto's 1-touch txt/caller widget? Moto's doesn't work real well in launcher pro.

I assume you mean the contact quick tasks and how the pictures are constantly getting zoomed in? I just deal with it and resize them, much to my annoyance after all of these months. I've searched the market a little for an app that can do what you've described a few weeks ago, I came up with nothing.

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I use a program called 'Elixir' I found for free in the market. Create a widget with your desired dimensions, icons, ect.

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ADW launcher lets you change the number of columns and rows for homescreens and the appdrawer.

I like it quite a bit.
go launcher ex

will allow you to change the grid size e.g. 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, and even more I'm looking for a rom that does this because I'm sick of motoblur and I can't stand 4x4 grid sizes anymore...eclipse rom would be better with the custom grid sizes.