Changing the account the app market uses


New Member
Mar 15, 2011
Reaction score
How do you change the account that the app market uses? I got the phone from my dad who hasn't used in a year and a half, and his gmail account is still there and I don't have the password. I tried removing the account but the droid says:

"This account is required by some applications. You can only remove it by resetting the phone to factory defaults..."
You will probably need to do a factory reset. The phone will always default to the Google Mail account that it was set up with. You will need to use or set up your own Google mail account on the phone. Your Market account will be tied to the Gmail account that you set up on the phone.

Hope this helps.
Original gmail account invalid

Question: the original gmail account doesn't seem to exist anymore. On the Droid, it keeps showing those crazy characters; on the PC, it just says that it can't find that account. Hopefully, a factory reset is not the only option!
Hopefully, a factory reset is not the only option!

Sorry, but it is. It's that way by design.

Theyre right removing the gmail renders the market and such useless, and the only way to remove and change is to do a factory reset. Unfortunately since it wasn't ur gmail ur contacts won't be pushed back in. same with purchased apps.

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