I'm a little confused and was hoping someone could help me out. I'm currently running Build #63 of the CM7 nightlies, I had been keeping up with the nightlies via ROM Manager until 8/31 when the new nightlies just stopped. I checked the CM7-D2 changelog (CyanogenMod nightlies changelog for Cdma_droid2) and it looks like there hasn't been a new nightly since #63. However it seems like the (beta?) CM7-GB release is out, and the instructions I've seen in the threads here and on rootzwiki suggest that I have to manually SBF back to Froyo, then manually up to the GB OTA, then manually root, then manually to CM7FB.
Is CM7GB ever coming to ROM Manager? If it did, would I still need to SBF back to Froyo and up to OTA in order to use ROM Manager to track CM7GB going forward? Will the nightly builds be resuming, or are they stopped because of the CM7GB release?
I need to do something because wifi is absolutely jacked in this build I'm running.
Thanks in advance!
tl;dr: Stuck on nightly #63, no updates for a month, what should I do?
Is CM7GB ever coming to ROM Manager? If it did, would I still need to SBF back to Froyo and up to OTA in order to use ROM Manager to track CM7GB going forward? Will the nightly builds be resuming, or are they stopped because of the CM7GB release?
I need to do something because wifi is absolutely jacked in this build I'm running.
Thanks in advance!
tl;dr: Stuck on nightly #63, no updates for a month, what should I do?
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