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Coin Available for Pre-Order for $50.00

cereal killer

Staff member

If you haven't heard about Coin, you're in for a big treat. Coin is credit card sized Bluetooth device that allows you to scan in and consolidate all your credit cards into one (1) electronic card. Pretty slick right?! Coin uses Bluetooth to communicate with your smartphone via the companion Android app (iOS also available). Using the included card reader, think Square, you can swipe in a total of eight (8) cards into Coin. To make a payment you use a small button and LCD display that allows you to cycle between your cards. Once you decide which one you want to use, you pass it to the cashier and he/she swipes it just like a credit card.

Check out these details:
  • You can only swipe in credit cards you own
  • Coin can be locked to a single card before handing it off to a waiter/clerk/etc. for payment
  • Coin will use an “alarm” to alert the owner in the event it’s been swiped multiple times
  • Coin will alert you when you’re no longer in its vicinity, deactivating itself over a longer period of time you specify in the app
  • Coin will be compatible with ATMs
  • Coin operates normally without your smartphone, but you lose certain Bluetooth-enabled security features
  • Coin will most likely work overseas, but backup cards are recommended (doesn’t yet support EMV, but future versions will)
  • Coins are water resistant, but not waterproof
  • The battery will last approximately 2 years, after which it will “need to be replaced”
  • The electronic stripe is beneath the surface, and will not wear out as quickly as traditional cards.

If you own an Android device you should jump on this quickly. It's currently available for pre-order for only $50.00 + $5.00 for shipping. Coin mentions shipping dates are based on when you pre-ordered Coin, so jump on this right now if you want to be one of the first to get your hands on this revolutionary new device.

Who's in?

Pre-Order Coin

Who's in now? :)
I've been watching this for awhile now and I'm really interested to hear some firsthand experiences with it.
This is my big issue with it and I am going to quote the website (which @cereal killer posted above)

Q. Why do I have to buy a new Coin when my battery runs out?
A. Coin is the size of a typical credit card and we were not able to fit a replaceable battery nor recharging components into this form factor. Coin is an electronic device, not a plastic card. We must charge for each device to cover the costs of research and development, manufacturing, and support.

So if the card will go on sell at its original price of $100 that mean I am paying you $50 a year for your device to store my bank cards. Hmmm I wonder if there is an app or service out there that does that for free.....


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I use Google Wallet too. I would kind of be interested but I don't use any credit cards and only a couple of bank cards. I think this poses a problem for them. I'm EXACTLY who they're looking for but I'm not paying $50, and I don't see the value. This is my actual wallet.

I also use Google Wallet with the card you can get from them. I do like the idea of this Coin thing but I only really have two cards I carry with me. It'd be a waste and novelty for me.
Aside from the battery/replacement terms, I'd also bet, based on usage frequency, that before the battery dies the unit would show a lot of cosmetic wear. The strip on my most frequently used cards gets wear marks really fast. Since most of my purchases are placed online anyway, this device isn't entirely practical for me, except for those occasional trips to the convenient store, grocery store, and the gas station. On the other hand not having to carry multiple cards in my wallet might make it fold a bit easier. $55 with shipping does seem a bit steep. Maybe the next revision will eventually include a user replaceable battery or a better unit replacement option.
You all make great points. The idea is great but not for $50 now $100 later. I think the price is high now because you are basically paying to be first. If they were to drop the price to where I was paying like $12.50 a year ($25 per card) I would give it a try for the fact of keeping my wallet thin. If I could put my Kroger card, banks cards, and gift card all on one card that would save time. And as much as I like Google wallet there are still a lot of stores that are not set up to handle electronic transactions like that.
What would be neat is to see a google or PayPal buy the concept and integrate it in to what they are already doing. They already have the ability to put some upfront money behind it so they can afford to take a loss early and practically give you the card for free knowing they will make money on the back end from merchants and banks wanting to get on board.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk 2
Cool concept but my bank requires chip and pin so it won't work here. Also wondering how long the battery will last?
Sounds very cool! The only problem with Google Wallet, ISIS and others is there still aren't that many places (especially brick & morter) that are set up to use them yet. Which us ridiculous considering how long it's been out. I would definitely use Coin since I don't carry a wallet, this would be perfect. [emoji106]

tap'n on my S5
I think the concept is really cool..... I just dont see paying 50 a year to hold my cards like that. I have two primary cards.... so that would cut it down to one.... meh.
Although I am interested in its future I think eventually a NFC style device or card is going to replace swiping in the next 10 years.
Especially at that price, I don't think I'd be too willing to give a bartender this card to hold on to before I close my tab (if I even remember to).