If you haven't heard about Coin, you're in for a big treat. Coin is credit card sized Bluetooth device that allows you to scan in and consolidate all your credit cards into one (1) electronic card. Pretty slick right?! Coin uses Bluetooth to communicate with your smartphone via the companion Android app (iOS also available). Using the included card reader, think Square, you can swipe in a total of eight (8) cards into Coin. To make a payment you use a small button and LCD display that allows you to cycle between your cards. Once you decide which one you want to use, you pass it to the cashier and he/she swipes it just like a credit card.
Check out these details:
- You can only swipe in credit cards you own
- Coin can be locked to a single card before handing it off to a waiter/clerk/etc. for payment
- Coin will use an “alarm” to alert the owner in the event it’s been swiped multiple times
- Coin will alert you when you’re no longer in its vicinity, deactivating itself over a longer period of time you specify in the app
- Coin will be compatible with ATMs
- Coin operates normally without your smartphone, but you lose certain Bluetooth-enabled security features
- Coin will most likely work overseas, but backup cards are recommended (doesn’t yet support EMV, but future versions will)
- Coins are water resistant, but not waterproof
- The battery will last approximately 2 years, after which it will “need to be replaced”
- The electronic stripe is beneath the surface, and will not wear out as quickly as traditional cards.
If you own an Android device you should jump on this quickly. It's currently available for pre-order for only $50.00 + $5.00 for shipping. Coin mentions shipping dates are based on when you pre-ordered Coin, so jump on this right now if you want to be one of the first to get your hands on this revolutionary new device.
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