connecting droid to vista via usb not working

Dec 9, 2009
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Michigan USA
I'm trying to connect my droid via usb to my laptop that has vista on it. i keeping getting the message that it's not compatable. At one time i could of swore it worked. It does work on my XP machine. I downloaded what was reccomed from to MOTO site, still don't work. any help would be great
Ok what the fric going on. i just home from my camping weekend and plug my phone into my home computer XP, samething.... Can't believe no one else has came across this
Well as the months past this way of connecting seams to be failing me. Does anyone know of a fix for this? I know from researching back in may that there's other's out there with the same problem.

I know the grass isn't greener on the other side but, been thinking of switching to the I-phone from Version. Been some wierds problem latly with my Droid
Reseat the sd card?
I get weird issues like this when the phone gets jostled a bit in my pocket.