Contact names don't pop up after 4.3 update


New Member
Dec 13, 2010
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Okay so I did the 4.3 update yesterday and everything seemed ok.... Then I started texting. Usually when I go to send a message, like most people, I'll type the first few letters of the person I want to send to and their name will pop up. Since the update I cannot do this anymore, it only pops up numbers. It may seem like a minor thing to some people but when you have a ton of contacts it's a b**** to scroll through all of them. Has anybody else experienced this after the 4.3 update? Also, I get notifications when there's a WiFi connection around me even though I have the notification turned off.
Do a battery pull. Mine did the same thing, and that's what I was told. It worked for me.
I had the same problem and it turned out that Settings // Accounts // DejaOffice had been changed to Synching Disabled.
I'm glad the batt pull helped you - I post this here in case it can help someone else.