Contact Picture Resolution


May 31, 2010
Reaction score
Anybody found a workaround for getting high res pictures for the contacts? One of the few things that doesn't look so polished.
I agree, the whole screen that shows while you are in a call needs to be rearranged, they made the contact pic large and blurry and all the toggles so small on the bottom. Does not make sense at all, i can't wait for some custom roms to fix.
Yep. First thing when someone called me I was like what the heck! I couldn't even tell who it was. Really been my only complaint except battery life and yea hopefully some custom roms will fix both.
Yep. First thing when someone called me I was like what the heck! I couldn't even tell who it was. Really been my only complaint except battery life and yea hopefully some custom roms will fix both.
Im still pushin 3g rite now and batt is diein very quickly
I've been on 4G the whole time and it is looking like I am going to get about 7 hours of moderate usage for my first full charge.
I believe so. I think you can turn it off completely somehow that way it isn't searching constantly
Does Jellybean also fix the Facebook Contact Photo (or lack of them) problem?
Does Jellybean also fix the Facebook Contact Photo (or lack of them) problem?

No, Google or Android for that matter will never ever fix this. It is and always will be a Facebook issue. They need to fix their app to make it work properly on + devices.