Contact Sync Problem


Feb 6, 2010
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Alright, well I searched as best as I could for a solution on the forums already, but no luck, and I'm not sure if I was able to search as best as I could because I don't quite understand where this problem is occurring. I'll do my best to explain:

Occasionally, whether it's a phone call or a text message, my contact's sync information will be mixed up/not load until a few seconds later.

Exhibit one: I get a call from a friend, and it immediately turns the screen on, which I see a blank picture, and it lists the phone number (a contact that I clearly have in the phone and get phonecalls from often). A few seconds later, it syncs the information either before or after I answer the call, and it correctly shows the contact's Facebook picture and name that I have in contacts.

Exhibit two: I get a text message from someone, my phone gives me the audible message ring, and then my green indicator light is on. Minutes later, I go to check it. When I pull down the top notification bar, the phone numbers the messages are from are listed, not contact names. I open one message, and at first it's all just phone numbers. A few seconds later, and it loads contact information. Here's the interesting part: at the top, the bar that shows the name of the contact the message thread is with, is correct (let's say Jeff So and So), but the messages themselves have a completely different name to them, namely the name of another person that I have an unread message from. If I exit the message, and open it again, now it has the correct message. Also, once it's read, it has the correct contact. Only occurs when I have unread messages/unanswered phonecalls.

Some back information, I recently (as seen in my sig) have rooted and installed Bugless Beast, as well as used SetCPU. At most, the Droid is OC'd to 800, and I have it step down to 250 to try to save battery life. Is this a known BB issue, or is the processor too slow at 250 to do proper syncing?

I have no third-party messaging apps installed like Handcent or anything like that.
I recall reading in another thread sometime last week that this is a problem due to having your phone set to 250 while in standby... i have the same problem but have learned to just be patient for the extra 2 seconds although it can be somewhat annoying
Alright, so I've upped everything in CPU from 250 to at least 600, and haven't seen it happen again, but I'm keeping an eye on it.

Another problem I've been having is that one, when I go to answer the phone, it's difficult for me to grab and slide the ANSWER portion of the phone, and then when I do, the other person cannot hear me. I've been told when that happens (and it's been quite a few times yesterday) I sound distant and faraway, and my voice sounds robotic, digitized for a few seconds, and then returns to normal. I've done the *228 - 2 option, so perhaps that was it, but any other ideas if that doesn't fix it? Will update if that didn't work.
Alright, so I've received one phone call already after I did the 228 trick, and it seemed to fix the robotic problem, but I still notice that the phone doesn't immediately sync contacts. I'll keep an eye on this, but any other suggestions are welcome. Unless I can fix this, I will most likely go back to stock. While I enjoy the overclocked features, these little nuisances are far more annoying than what I gain from being overclocked, that and my battery life has suffered from the overclocking as well.
Alright, so I've upped everything in CPU from 250 to at least 600, and haven't seen it happen again, but I'm keeping an eye on it.

Another problem I've been having is that one, when I go to answer the phone, it's difficult for me to grab and slide the ANSWER portion of the phone, and then when I do, the other person cannot hear me. I've been told when that happens (and it's been quite a few times yesterday) I sound distant and faraway, and my voice sounds robotic, digitized for a few seconds, and then returns to normal. I've done the *228 - 2 option, so perhaps that was it, but any other ideas if that doesn't fix it? Will update if that didn't work.

There is another thing to do about sound quality. I remember it goes something like ##Program, password is 000000 then select 04 and EVRC-B. DO NOT FOOL AROUND WITH ANYTHING ELSE THERE.

It's not available in all areas so if it doesn't work at all just put it back.