Contacts app


Jan 29, 2010
Reaction score
Looking for an app that is better than stock.
For one, Contacts are organized by first name - prefer by last name.

So far Go Contacts Ex works better than most - but there is one Group folder in my Gmail contacts that shows in Go Contacts as "un grouped". Plus constantly getting a "unexpected error" message.

Have also tried but not kept :
Smartr contacts,
(phone book) ConTacTs,
I would use Go.... and they do update frequently so if theres a problem today, it might not be there tomorrow. Ive gotten 2 updates for Go Launcher in the last 2 days for example.
Tried Contapps - but seems more for into social networking.

May end up sticking with Go Contacts. My groups (vertical listing on the left side) is in black - would like to lighten that

Go launcher did get an update yesterday.
Looking for an app that is better than stock.
For one, Contacts are organized by first name - prefer by last name.

In the stock People app all you have to do is hit the menu button (the 3 dots) -> Settings -> Sort list by -> Last name. There is also the option to display contacts as Last name first.

FWIW, I believe I had figured that out within the first hour I had the phone.