Contacts management question...


Jan 1, 2010
Reaction score
Two questions:
1) How can I import my email list to my droid via a comma-separated data file such as those outputted by Thunderbird and Outlook?

2) My Facebook contacts have been added to my contacts on my droid, but they are all listed as separate contacts - even if I already have a contact of that name with phone #s, etc. in my contacts. How can I combine the contacts? I know it must be possible because my wife's contact is listed only once and has both non-editable Facebook data and editable non-Facebook data in it.
For 2), go to Edit Contact, then Menu, and "Join" should be a choice, then you pick the Facebook contact and merge them.
1) Log into your Gmail account, goto contacts, then select "Import" to the upper right.
Do you have a gmail account? If you do things can be a bit easier. Thunderbird has an extension called Zindus that will sync your contacts with gmail (or gContacts or whatever google uses). After Zindus syncs your contacts everything will stay all nice and synced. Don't quote me but I think Zindus supports other emails but not sure. I moved to gmail over a decade ago and haven't kept up with the others, sorry.
Thanks for the "join" tip, that worked great! Next I'll have to upload all my contacts to gmail before I can try syncing...